Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Entrepreneurs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Entrepreneurs - Essay ExampleWith the successes gathered by high level entrepreneurs who and attained a high school education in preference of pursuing their life dreams in entrepreneurship, one concludes that their success was inborn due to their offspring and relative inexperience. Research has shown that different aspects are central for one to become a successful entrepreneur. Tomczyk, Lee and Winslow (2012) portend that although personality and motivation (inborn characteristics) affects the entrepreneurial prowess, the factors are, in turn, influenced by adjustable factors such as physiology, family, culture and demographics. Skills and abilities also play a crucial role in the establishment of a successful entrepreneur. It is establish that successful entrepreneur combines both the inborn characteristics such as motivation and personality with gained traits such education and work. This affirms that entrepreneurs are both born and made. The personal attributes of creativen ess and risk-taking are excellent foundations for a successful entrepreneur. However, strengthening them with education and experience makes a person stand a better chance of being successful. Otherwise, how would a person be successful if they do not combine both

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